Resilience Barometer 2020


Companies across the G20 are facing increasingly complex risks arising from technology transformation, geopolitical tensions and the polarisation of the political landscape. As businesses confront cybersecurity threats, fight financial crime and prepare for more changes in legislation and regulation in 2020, the FTI survey reveals that many executives remain unprepared for a new wave of risks and crises.

Upcoming elections in the United States, Brexit and the increase in cyber attacks and regulatory actions, globally, are just a few examples of the complexities driving new threats. The survey found that failure to fully understand and prepare for the impact of external threats could decrease revenue by as much as five percent, highlighting the imperative of resilience for businesses today.

Encouragingly, in the face of such a dramatic increase in risk, the survey did point to a small improvement in resilience scores, suggesting that some organisations are managing to contain and manage emerging threats through better preparedness. 84% of business leaders surveyed were anticipating a crisis in 2020, with many stepping up their adoption of new technologies. Artificial intelligence, blockchain and machine learning are playing a particularly significant role both in transforming business models and combating global financial crime and cyber attacks. Learn more.

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