Self-administration, Protective Shield, Liquidity Management in Insolvency

In the event of (impending) insolvency, it is not only the numerous legal aspects that must be accounted for – these must also be backed up with resilient figures and analyses to successfully restructure the company within the context of optimally prepared insolvency proceedings.


Sometimes, restructuring within the context of insolvency proceedings is the better or even the only option for a company in crisis.

Regardless of the type of proceedings in question – i.e. whether self-administration with or without protective shield or regular proceedings – professional preparation and support are essential for the success of the proceedings. We support companies in insolvency proceedings particularly by:

  • Self-administration plans according to § 270a InsO
  • Protective shield certificates according to § 270d InsO
  • Liquidity planning in preliminary and opened proceedings
  • Comparative calculations to assess the advantageousness of insolvency plans
  • Option analyses to determine the best possible alternative courses of action

Our analyses and planning documents serve as a recognized basis for decision-making by the company's own or external insolvency administration as well as the creditors' committee and the insolvency court.


For an objective view of the status quo and outlook

Questions for our team

What is the key support service of FTI-Andersch in the preparation and accompaniment of an insolvency?

We add the business management key figures and analyses to the legal perspective. This ensures that not only the required legal processes are adhered to, but also that the performance and planning data rest on a reliable and comprehensible foundation. In the run-up to an insolvency, we prepare the necessary planning and certifications as an independent third party, and after the proceedings have begun, we prepare the necessary business management decision-making bases to be able to achieve the best possible result for the parties involved.

What are the main challenges of planning in insolvency?

When planning during insolvency, on the one hand, the insolvency-specific effects must be determined and appropriately mapped – for example, effects from reductions in payment terms, customer losses, insolvency payments, and the possible need to redeem security rights maintain production.

On the other hand, insolvency proceedings are characterized by increased uncertainty regarding the planning premises, since in particular the reaction of customers can only be predicted to a limited extent. This increased uncertainty can be accounted for by scenario calculations and regular planning updates.

How we help our clients